Purpose:  To improve the health of marriages and families in the Siouxland area through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Resources for Those who are Dating and not Yet Married


What's the Big Deal Anyway?

Unexpected Pregnancy

Her Health Women's Center - For Men

Bible Study

Simple Bible Study

Extensive Bible Study by the CTCR on Marriage, Divorce, Sexuality, etc.


Devo 1 - Devotions for Dating Before Marriage

Devo 2 - Marriage is a Covenant

Devo 3 - Finding the Right One

Devo 4 - Why Date?

Devo 5 - How Well Should You Know Him/Her?

Devo 6 - Infatuation: Kissing and Caressing

Devo 7 - When am I Going to Far?

Devo 8 - What about Oral Sex?

Devo 9 - How Long Should Someone Date?

Devo 10 - Single Life - Do I have to get Married?

Devo 11 - Living Together Before Marriage

Devo 12 - Praying About Your Future Spouse

Devo 13 - High Standards for a Wife

Devo 14 - Old Testament Marriage Ceremony - Forgiveness

Devo 15 - I messed up Dating now What?

Devo 16 - The Best Sex

Taken From:  "Christian Devotions for those Dating:  Could He/She be the One?"  by Pastor James Travis

Living Together

Statistics and Stuff from Living Together

Drs. Les & Leslie Parrott on Living Together

More Statistics and Stuff on Living Together


Q & A from http://www.lcms.org

Marital Sex                  The Definition of Sex - Pam Stenzel - The Medical Definition

PAM STENZEL: Marriage Context from thepamstenzel on GodTube.