Education & Youth at Calvary
Sioux City Iowa

We have a variety of classes and activities available for all of our members, please click below to learn more.

Children's Activities

Sundays:   9:15 am - Grades Pre-K-8th meet in basement of the church, Grades 9-12 meet in "The Cave" for Bible study (Bottom of Friendship Room Stairs near main glass doors. Topics include current issues, guest speakers, and films and provide for the spiritual growth for this age group.

Vacation Bible School:  Our Board of Education is working on plans for this summer’s Vacation Bible School (July 17-21) & Day Camps:

Day Camps June 11 - Wood Working; July 9 - Cooking Camp; August 6 - Cooking (9-3 PM)

Confirmation Registration:

Wednesday Youth Activities

WNAC - Wednesday Night at Calvary - Meets September - May

5:00-5:30 PM - Open Gym/Pizza

5:30 PM - Opening - Reading through the Gospel of Luke, Song, & Prayer

5:45 PM - 6:45 PM - Pre-K - 2nd Grade - Christy C.
5:45 PM - 6:45 PM - 3-4th Grade - Sheryl S.
5:45 PM - 6:45 PM - 5-6th Grade - Bible 101 - Journey through the Old Testament
5:45 PM - 6:45 PM - 7-8th Grade - Catechism Class - Commandments, Creed, Baptism (Year A)
5:45 PM - 6:45 PM - High School Youth Group & Fellowship Time with Connie P.
5:45 PM - 6:45 PM - Bible Study on the Book of Exodus - Adult study Nathan Cale
7:00 PM - Church - Divine Service - God Serving Us, We Serve God!

Talk to Pastor James Travis for more information about any of these events:  712-202-8516

Youth & Adult Bell Choir:   The bell choir rehearses during the school year on Sunday Mornings at 9:15 AM. Kim Cale conducts this group!

Confirmation:  Classes begin in September and conclude in April. Wednesdays at 5:30 pm Confirmation classes are for all students in grades 5 through 8. Classes teaching about the Catechism for 7 & 8 grades are taught by Pastors Travis & Freudenburg. The Catechism is the Lutheran doctrine as written in Martin Luther's Small Catechism. Sherry Book & Stacy Travis teach the Old & New Testament to the 5 & 6 grades. This year we are going through the New Testament.  The Confirmation service is held on the first Sunday in May for those students who have completed the course.

Middle School Youth Gatherings:  Every Year Calvary sends middle school youth to DesMoines with other youth around the state. This years gathering is October 21 & 22, 2023.  

High School Youth Group:  The Cave!  The youth meet in a room off limits to all other youth on Wednesday nights from 5:45 - 6:45 PM.  T  During the summer the Wednesday night schedule shifts and includes trips and other group activities off sight.  Please call the church office for more information - 712-239-1575.

Iowa Youth Gatherings Website

Youth Gathering on  Face Book

High School Youth Gatherings:  Every year Iowa hosts a youth gathering.  Every three years LCMS Youth come from around the country to gather together.  Check out:

The Confirmation youth also participate by acolyting (lighting the candles for worship services), servant events, local and district events and lock-ins.

Quick Links:
VBS & Day Camp Registration 2023
Previous Bulletins/Newsletters
Bible Classes Live on Zoom - COVID 19 Sermons
Calvary Call - Newsletter Sign-up
Confirmation Memory Work Book
Calvary Date Night Website
Daily Devotions - Lutheran Hour Ministries
On-line Giving through Subsplash
Silver Bullet Sermon Series Videos and Devotions
Our History
Our Values
Sunday Morning Video Worship - Main Street Living