Next Steps at Calvary
Sioux City Iowa

Next Steps:

        Pick up a welcome packet at the entrance of the church.

Sign-up for our Newsletter or View: Calvary Call

What We Believe:

Our Values

Faith in Practice:

        Meet church members in a social, servant, music or youth event:

    - October - Decorate the trunk of your car or truck in the Calvary Parking Lot and then hand out treats.

    - December - Bring cookies or participate in the annual Cookie and Candy Walk.

    - March/April - Help with our annual community Easter Egg Hunt for the whole family.

    - Various Days Throughout the Year - Serve at the Soup Kitchen or Gospel Mission with the Congregation.

    - Join in a Missional Neighborhood Community - Hand Popcycles out in the Park or Help at Pheasant Acres with Coffee and Donuts

- Many of these events are not listed in our newsletter (The Calvary Call) so call the church office for more information on times and locations.

Phone: (712)2391575

        Learn More about the Bible and Church in LCMS 101:

          - Adults - March Thursdays at 7 PM we begin a 10 week class called LC--MS 101 that covers all the basic teachings of the church.  It meets on Sundays at 9:15 AM in the Church Conference Room with Pastor Freudenburg.  We will cover the following topics: 

     1. What is a Lutheran?  Are Lutheran's different than Christians? 

     2. Baptism

     3. The Lord's Supper

     4. The Ten Commandments

     5.  Creeds

     6.  What is Worship?  Why do you Worship that Way?

     7.  Differences between Christian Denominations

     8.  Why Women are not Pastors in God's Church?  Isn't that Sexist?

     9.  How to deal with Conflict?  When to Confront and When to Overlook Sins (Matthew 18 & Holy Absolution)

     10.  The Gospel of Mark

          - Youth:  Join Sunday School @ 9:15 AM or Wednesday Night at Calvary Classes at 5:30 PM

If you are not ready to join the church but you want to simply participate then come on Sundays at 8 or 10:30 AM (9 AM Summer Only) for worship or 7 PM on Wednesdays.  Drop in for a Bible Study or join Bell Choir on Sunday morning at 9:15 AM.

If you would like to take the Lord's Supper we require you to talk with one of the pastors out of respect for1 Corinthians 11:27-32  We pray that you understand we do this practice out of love so that no one would take the Lord's Supper to their judgment.  

Our Values

Our Official Teachings 

Quick Links:
Bible Classes Live on Zoom - COVID 19 Sermons
Calvary Call - Newsletter Sign-up
Confirmation Memory Work Book
Calvary Date Night Website
Daily Devotions - Lutheran Hour Ministries
On-line Giving through Subsplash
Silver Bullet Sermon Series Videos and Devotions
Our History
Our Values
Sunday Morning Video Worship - Main Street Living