Youth and Education at Calvary
Sioux City Iowa

We have a variety of classes and activities available to our members, please choose from one of the four options below to learn more about a few services we provide.

Sunday School & Bible Class

School Year: Sunday School is presently during the School Year. We will resume September 11 @ 9:15 AM.

- Sunday School Opening

- PreK-8th - Meet in the Basement of the Church and in the Youth rooms below the Friendship Room

- High School - Meet in the Cave (Meet in Parish Hall in the Kitchen for Refreshments)

- Adults - Meet in the Parish Hall for Bible Study (All Year Long; 9:15 (Sept.- May; 10:30 (June-August)

Vacation Bible School & Summer Day Camps:

Vacation Bible School:  Our Board of Education is working on plans for this summer’s Vacation Bible School (July 17-21) & Day Camps:

Day Camps June 11 - Wood Working; July 9 - Art Camp; August 6 - Cooking Camp (9-3 PM)

Confirmation Registration & WNAC Registration:

Get Baptized:

Baptism Sign-up Form:

Regular Classes WNAC 2024-25:

5 PM - Pizza

5:30 PM - Opening - Song and Reading from the Book of Acts

5:45 PM - Class for Pre-K - Adults

7 PM - Worship


Adult Studies:

Sundays: 9:15 am - Adult Bible Class in the Parish Hall - Hebrews

Wednesdays: 9:30 am - Pastor Travis travels to Pheasant Acres (1st Wednesday), Northern Hills (2nd & 4th Wednesdays), & Casa De Paz (3rd Wednesday) each month to share God's Word, Music, & Prayer.

Wednesdays:  5:45-6:45 pm - Men's Bible Study (Things I did not Learn in Sunday School" with 'Rick Book resumes in October 2024

Thursdays: 10:00 am - Pastor Travis leads a weekly Bible study at Calvary in the Conference room. Present Study: The Gospel of Matthew

Special Classes: Throughout the year, Pastors Travis leads "special" classes on a number of topics: Parenting, Luther's Catechism, etc. If there is a topic you would like to explore, speak with Pastor Travis to see about scheduling a time..

LCMS 101:(As scheduled) Those adults who desire membership at Calvary Lutheran Church, as well as those who wish to review their knowledge are encouraged to attend this class. Class times are scheduled as needed throughout the year.

Kim Cale leads a bell choir for adults and youth during the school year!  Sundays @ 9:15 AM

Quick Links:
VBS & Day Camp Registration 2023
Previous Bulletins/Newsletters
Bible Classes Live on Zoom - COVID 19 Sermons
Calvary Call - Newsletter Sign-up
Confirmation Memory Work Book
Calvary Date Night Website
Daily Devotions - Lutheran Hour Ministries
On-line Giving through Subsplash
Silver Bullet Sermon Series Videos and Devotions
Our History
Our Values
Sunday Morning Video Worship - Main Street Living